class: title-slide count: false .logo-title[] # SMT Smart Energy Monitor ### Team 38 .TitleAuthor[Henry Mitchell-Hibbert, Nicholas Bates, Larissa Marr, Paul Kim] --- layout: true name: template_slide .logo-slide[] .footer[ELECTENG 209 Team 38, Department of Electrical, Computer and Software Engineering (2020)] --- # Overview .left-column[ - Monitors the real power consumption of appliance - Precise measurements of voltage and current magnitudes - Numerical integration techniques combined with linear approximation for greater accuracy - Minimal effect on appliance operation while monitoring - Built-in display - Bluetooth output - Project managed collaboratively using Slack and Trello to overcome challenges with online learning ] .right-column[ .right[
] ] --- # Hardware Features .left-column[ - Compact SMT design (59mm x 121mm incl. display) for portability - Regulated 5v power supply - Differential inputs to ensure signal fidelity - Second-order filter ADC inputs to reduce noise - Contiguous ground plane for EMI shielding ] .right-column[ .zoom175[ .center[
] Front Back ] ] --- # Software Features .left-column[ - On-board ATmega328PB for smaller form factor and lower cost - External clock crystal for flexibility: can use lower clock speed for reduced power consumption - 10-bit ADC for precise voltage and current measurements - Outputs power consumption to display and BLE module via UART - Modular software development practices - Extensive use of Git and GitHub ] .right-column[ .zoom175[ .center[
] ] ] --- class: title-slide layout: false count: false .logo-title[] # Acknowledgements #### Special thanks to EE209 Lecturers and Support Staff #### for their valuable feedback. --- class: title-slide layout: false count: false .logo-title[] # Questions? ### Thank you