class: title-slide count: false .logo-title[] ## ELECTENG 209 # Analogue & Embedded Software Design ### An Introduction to the Course .TitleAuthor[Duleepa J Thrimawithana] --- layout: true name: template_slide .logo-slide[] .footer[[Duleepa J Thrimawithana](, Department of Electrical, Computer and Software Engineering (2020)] --- name: S1 # Background - High reliance on fossil fuels and associated issues have become increasingly more evident over the last two decades - Human-made climate change due to emissions is one of the most alarming concerns .center[
] --- name: S2 # Renewable Energy - Increasing emphasis on renewable generation, efficient conversion, sustainable utilization and electrification of transportation - Many countries have pledged to reduce emissions .center[
] --- name: S3 # Distributed Generation - Decentralized energy generation (DEG) is gaining popularity due to social, economical and environmental benifits it offers - Energy is generated locally at or near point of consumption using micro-scale renewable systems .center[
] --- name: S4 # Energy Management .left-column[ - Managing energy flow in a DEG systems is very challenging - Many distributed sources, loads and storage systems need to be concurrently managed - A smarter grid with many smart sensors that monitor the flow of energy is a key solution - Enables making smart decisions to effectively manage the generation, utilization, storage and retrieval of energy - Smart appliances, storage systems and controllers use this information to control the energy flow - Many smart metering/monitoring solutions have been developed - Smart meters report house-hold consumption to retailer - Smart energy monitors can monitor energy consumed by a specific load ] .right-column[ .center[
] ] --- class: title-slide layout: false count: false .logo-title[] # Renewable Energy Research at UoA ### A Few Examples --- layout: true name: template_slide .logo-slide[] .footer[[Duleepa J Thrimawithana](, Department of Electrical, Computer and Software Engineering (2020)] --- name: S5 # Research Groups - Across UoA, specially in FoE, there are many research groups working on various renewable energy related research projects - Power electronics research group at ECSE is at the forefront of this research .center[
] --- name: S6 # The Power Electronics Research Group .center[
] --- name: S7 # Pioneers in Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) .center[
] --- name: S8 # WPT Research Facilities & Postgraduates .center[
] --- name: S9 # ECSE 2nd Years Undertaking Research .center[
.credits[ Bashar Dawood (left) & Patrin Illenberger (right) showcasing their summer research projects (2012). ] .credits[ Currently Bashar works as the Managing Director at NGen Automation and Dr. Illenberger works as a hardware engineer at Apple. ] ] --- name: S10 # ECSE 3rd Years Undertaking Research .center[
.credits[ Ryan Kurte (left) & Wynand Malan (right) showcasing their summer research projects (2012). ] .credits[ Currently Ryan works as a R&D engineer at Datamars and Dr. Malan works as a Power Systems Design & Integration Engineer at Apple. ] ] --- name: S11 # ECSE Final Years Undertaking Research .center[
.credits[ Hamish O'Neill & Roman Amor showcasing their final year research project (2018). ] .credits[ Currently Hamish works as a hardware engineer at Apple and Roman works as a firmware engineer at Apple. ] ] --- name: S12 # Intro to Power Electronics (ELECTENG 734) .center[
.credits[ Students design and develop the power electronics required to wireleslly power a RC car. The best teams compete on the last day ] .credits[ of the semester each year to find a winner. This is the final race, in 2018, where the top 2 teams were equally matched. ] ] --- name: S13 # ELECTENG 734 Prizegiving   .center[
.credits[ Prizegiving (left) & finalists (right) showcasing their final designs (2018). ] .credits[ Sumant, Kunal and a few other engineers from Apple attended the event. ] ] --- class: title-slide layout: false count: false .logo-title[] # Design of a Smart Energy Monitor ### Project Information --- layout: true name: template_slide .logo-slide[] .footer[[Duleepa J Thrimawithana](, Department of Electrical, Computer and Software Engineering (2020)] --- name: S14 # The Project - What is this course about and what should you expect to learn? - Gives you an opportunity to put in to practice some of the theories (analogue electronics & embedded software development) you learnt to design and engineer a solution to a 'real life problem' - During this process you will gain fundamental knowledge, experience, skill-set and professional behavior needed to succeed in the more challenging design projects you will engage in the future - What would you design and engineer during this course? - An energy monitor to measure and display the amount of energy consumed by a household appliance - How would you achieve this task? - The voltage and current at the input to appliance is measured using __analogue circuitry__ consisting of sensors, amplifiers and filters - An __embedded software program__ executed on a microcontroller converts the analogue signals to digital form and calculates the energy consumption together with other important information - The information is shown on a __local LCD display__ and also communicated __wirelessly using Bluetooth__ with other smart devices --- name: S15 # System to Implement - To simplify the design, we will consider a scaled-down system, which uses a low-voltage AC source - An AC load, consisting of a variable resistor in series with a fixed inductor, is used to emulate an house-hold appliance .center[
] --- name: S16 # Key Design Specifications
Source Voltage
14 V
± 10%
Source Frequency
50 Hz ± 2%
Load Range
2.5 VA to 7.5 VA
Load Power Factor
0.75 to 0.99
Measurement Accuracy
5% of full-scale reading
ADC Conversion Rate
1 kHz or slower
LCD Display Information
Voltage, Current, Power and Energy
LCD Display Units
, A
, W and W.min
LCD Scroll Rate
1 s
UART Baud Rate
9600 Baud
Information Transferred Via UART
Voltage, Current, Power and Energy
PCB Size
20000 mm²
PCB Technology
Double Layer with PTH
Device Technology
--- name: S17 # Demo of Expected Final Design .center[
] --- name: S18 # Working in Teams - You will work in a team of 4 - You can chose your team members and register your group details on Canvas by the end of 1st week - All team members should be from the same lab stream (NB: There are two lab streams) - Throughout the project work as a team and aim to support each other - This is an important part of preparing to be a professional engineer - You depend on each other to do well in this course - Plan your work, document your work and communicate regularly with your team members - Use [Trello]( to plan and manage the work as well as to document design notes and team discussions - Use [Slack]( and [Zoom]([Hangouts]( for team communications - Use [GitHub]( and [G Suite]([Office 365]( products to collaborate with team members - Be patient with your team members even if they are not making much progress during the initial stage - If things are not working out, after about 1-2 weeks, let us know - If a member is not engaging in team work we will ask that person to work alone --- name: S19 # Course Calendar .center[
] --- name: S20 # Top Designs from the Past (PI)   .center[
.credits[ SMT designs with a digitally controlled gain stage (left) & a LCD screen (right) developed by teams in 2016. ] ] --- name: S21 # Top Designs from the Past (PII)   .center[
.credits[ A couple of the SMT designs that were developed by teams in 2018. ] ] --- name: S22 # Top Designs from the Past (PIII) .center[
.credits[ A [web application]( developed by a team in 2018 to log information. ] ] --- name: S23 # Course Feedback .center[
] --- name: S24 # Entry Performance .center[
] --- name: S25 # Past Grades .center[
] --- name: S26 # How to Get an Excellent Grade - Is the project challenging? - Yes, because this is your first real-world engineering design project - Due to lack of experience it is common to encounter unforeseen design and integration issues when developing a system, especially with a hardware-software interface - What are the most challenging aspects? - Time management, planing and team work are the key challenges - As in a real life project, resources are limited (time, teams' availability, lab space, equipment, software licenses, etc.) and therefore last minute frantic endeavour will not help - How could I get an excellent grade? - Enjoy designing a real-world product and be passionate about your design (this is the key ingredient) - Plan and manage your and your team members' time well - Throughout the semester you are expected to spend about 12 hours a week on the project - Make full use of all lab sessions and staff support provided (there will be in average of about 10 support hours a week) --- name: S27 # Poor Exemplars - Last Minute Endeavour (PI) .center[
.credits[ Undergraduate laboratories just a day before the due date - taken by a student at about 11.50 PM (2014). ] ] --- name: S28 # Poor Exemplars - Last Minute Endeavour (PII) .center[
.credits[ Consequences of last minute work. ] ] --- class: title-slide layout: false count: false .logo-title[] # Assessment Components ### Details on How to Prepare --- layout: true name: template_slide .logo-slide[] .footer[[Duleepa J Thrimawithana](, Department of Electrical, Computer and Software Engineering (2020)] --- name: S29 # Assessment Components - All assessment components except the Smart Energy Challenge are compulsory - It is compulsory to satisfactorily complete all components except the Smart Energy Challenge to obtain a passing grade - To be eligible for the bonus marks you must satisfactorily complete the entire project - Although this project will be undertaken in design teams of 4, you will be assessed individually
Test 1 & 2 (Written and Simulation Components)
Lecture Quizzes (Available for 24 Hrs)
Weekly Lab Assignments
Midsemester Progress Review
Final Interview
Project Deliverables
Smart Energy Challenge (Optional)
--- name: S30 # Tests, Lecture Quizzes & Labs - The two 20% tests will be conducted during weeks 5 and 10 of the semester - The written part of the tests will assess your understanding of fundamental concepts - The simulation component of the 1st test will be conducted using LTspice - The simulation component of the 2nd test will be conducted using Atmel Studio and Proteus VSM - During each of the 15 lecture, we will conduct a 0.6% quizzes using Xorro-Q (or Canvas) to evaluate your engagement and understanding - Quizzes will be available for 24 hours and you are allowed multiple attempts - The maximum marks you can get will be capped to 5% - The 6 lab assignments are designed to guide you through the design and advance your understanding - Allow plenty of time, especially if you have forgotten the EE202, EE210 & CS201 contents - You can work as a team, but your solutions must be __submitted individually__ - We will use one of the two weekly lab sessions to help you complete these assignments - The remaining weekly lab session will be used to assess your solutions (1%), understanding and engagement (1%) and use of digital collaboration tools (0.5%) --- name: S31 # Progress Review, Interview & Deliverables - Just before the midsemester break we will review your progress - An analogue circuit that meets all the needs of the project needs to be successfully designed, simulated and validated - An embedded software program that can transmit data from the ATmega328P via UART to a terminal should be successfully implemented, simulated and validated - A short interview will be held to assess your circuit (2%), software (1%) and your understanding (2%) - During the last week of the semester there will be an interview to evaluate your design as well as your understanding of the subject matter - Design will be evaluated based on functionality (5%), measurement accuracy (5%) and quality (4%) - You are required to submit a short technical report with details of your design (4%) - We will check how well you have used Trello, GitHub and Slack to plan, manage and document the work (2%) - Theoretical and practical knowledge of electronics (7.5%) and programming (7.5%) concepts you gained during the project will be assessed __individually__ during the interview --- name: S32 # Smart Energy Challenge & Industry Judging - The optional *Smart Energy Challenge* is focused on implementing a web-based data-logging system - It should record and display the data collected from the energy monitor - You may use an IoT platform like ThingSpeak to simplify this task - Before attempting the *Smart Energy Challenge* you must complete all other tasks - You can get up to 1 bonus marks for successfully completing the *Smart Energy Challenge* - Based on the performance throughout the semester the top 4 design teams will be selected - Industry judges from [DATAMARS]( will interview the top 4 teams - These judges will deliver a seminar during the 6th week of the semester along with vital information about the interviews - They will decide the winners of the *2020 Smart Energy Challenge* - The winners will get up to 1 bonus marks and a certificate .center[
] --- name: S33 # Digital Collaboration Tools - To be a good engineer you also need to develop a number of *soft-skills* - Some of the key skills you should aim to develop are management, teamwork and communication - One of the primary responsibilities you will have as an engineer is to tell other engineers how to build, service, use and update a product you have been involved in designing/developing/building/testing/etc. - Thus, engineers are expected to document all details about their work in a logbook - The information recorded in a logbook include, design notes, design decisions, calculations, software flow diagrams, schematics, meeting minutes, etc. - In industry, many different digital tools are used to help with managing teamwork work, communicating with team members and documenting details of the project - Trello, Slack and GitHub are a few such most commonly used and simple to use tools - In this project all students are expected to use Trello, Slack and GitHub to effectively plan, manage and document the work - We will regularly check how you use these tools as part of the assessment process --- name: S34 # Resources & Flexible Learning - Duleepa Thrimawithana (course director), Su Tang and Andrew Austin, from the academic staff, will be looking after this course - Felix Marattukalam and Wai Yeung are your technical facilitators - Teaching assistance (TAs) will be available to help with lab assignments and the project - Victor Wang (EE), Patrick Lawton (EE), Vahid Zahiri (EE), Tharindu Dharmakeerthi (EE), Jagmeet Singh (EE), Cody Liu (EE), Osama Almulla (EE), Bilal Ahmed (EE), Kai Sun (EE), Tomas Antune (CS), Logan Kenwright (CS), Ryan Smith (CS), Ross Porter (CS) and Jeremy Towers (EE) are your TAs - You could either get support in-person during the dedicated lab sessions shown on the lab planner or seek support remotely using Piazza, Slack and Zoom/Hangouts if preferred working off-site - You may also request additional staff assisted evening support/tutorial sessions (online or on-campus) - All software needed for this course can be accessed from home if you prefer to work remotely - Recorded media will be provided to support your learning - We will communicate all course related information via Canvas (and post them also on Slack) --- name: S35 # Enrolment & Software Installation - Prerequisite for this course are ELECTENG 202 and COMPSYS 201 - If you have failed any of these courses, please contact us to check if your enrolment is still valid - Students are also expected to have passed ELECTENG 101 and ELECTENG 210 - ELECTENG 209 heavily relies on the knowledge you should have gained from core ECSE papers (i.e. ELECTENG 101, ELECTENG 202, ELECTENG 210 and COMPSYS 201) - To help you revise, teaching material from these courses are also made available through the Canvas page for ELECTENG 209 - In some cases, even if you do not meet the prerequisites, after an interview, we may allow you to continue with the course, but we will have to partner you with a suitable group - Email Su with a copy to Duleepa for more information - Follow details on the EE209 Canvas Homepage to get setup on Piazza, Slack and GitHub - Guides detailing how to obtain and install your personal copy of the software we will use in this course (Atmel Studio, Proteus VSM, Altium Designer, LTspice, GitHub Desktop, etc.) are available on Canvas --- name: S36 # Building a Prototype - All practical components associated with the project are optional - This includes breadboarding, assembling PCBs, testing hardware, building final prototype, etc. - This is because of the possibility of a lock-down due to COVID-19 - If you wish to develop a prototype, we will provide you the resources and the support needed - Contact Duleepa for further information (ideally you should be doing this as a team) - The lab benches in MDLS 5 and MDLS 6 will be equipped with low-voltage AC power sources and variable load banks - The sources generate a 14 V
, 500 Hz AC voltage - The variable resistor in the load can be used to change the VA drawn by it between 2.5VA and 7.5VA - You will be given an Xplained Mini 328PB to use as your digital controller - The ATmega328PB on it is configured to operate at a 16 MHz system clock - Minor changes need to be made to your hardware and software designs, which you developed and tested with LTspice and Proteus --- name: S25 # Looking Ahead .center[
] --- class: title-slide layout: false count: false .logo-title[] # End