class: title-slide count: false .logo-title[] ## ELECTENG 209 # Embedded Software Design ### Interrupts .TitleAuthor[Duleepa J Thrimawithana] --- layout: true name: template_slide .logo-slide[] .footer[[Duleepa J Thrimawithana](, Department of Electrical, Computer and Software Engineering (2020)] --- name: S1a # Learning Objectives - Why are interrupts important? - Understanding the differences between interrupts and polling - Why do we need interrupts in the project? - Understanding Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) - How are interrupts implemented by the microprocessor? - Learning to configure and use interrupts in the ATmega328P - Understanding RAM allocation - Understanding how the stack, heap and data segment spaces are used - Understanding context switching --- name: S1b # Lecture Quiz - The link to access the lecture quiz is - Use your username to login (i.e. UPI in the form *abcd001*) - Quiz is available for 3 days and allows multiple attempts - Alternatively scan the QR code below .center[
] --- class: title-slide layout: false count: false .logo-title[] # Input/Output Events ### How to Handle I/O Events? --- layout: true name: template_slide .logo-slide[] .footer[[Duleepa J Thrimawithana](, Department of Electrical, Computer and Software Engineering (2020)] --- name: S2 # I/O Events - I/O peripherals enable the microprocessor in an MCU to interface with external electrical signals - So far we have looked at GPIO, UART, ADC and Timer peripherals - The peripherals often take considerable amount of time to complete a given task - The time taken can be many system clock cycles and during this time the microprocessor can be executing code - For example, a UART transmitting at a low baud rate takes a considerable amount of time to send a byte of data - The peripherals also have to respond to external signals which are non-deterministic (i.e. we don’t know when they will occur) - When we are trying to detect such signals, the microprocessor have to communicate regularly with the peripherals checking to see if they have occurred - For example, when checking for a push-button press, we have to regularly scan the GPIO pin it is connected at --- name: S3 # Responding to I/O Events - So far we used the polling method to respond to events (e.g. a peripheral completing a task or responding to an external signal) - When polling, which is also called “blocking” or “busy waiting”, the microprocessor waits to respond to the event - Waiting for peripherals to complete tasks and responding to non-deterministic external signals keep the microprocessor unnecessarily busy - To be efficient, the microprocessor needs to execute code in response to these events at the correct time rather than waiting for them to occur - For example, write a byte of data to UART transmit buffer (UDR0) when it is just emptied rather than waiting it to be empty - The second method to respond to these events, is to use interrupts - Interrupts enable the microprocessor to respond to events at the correct time rather than waiting for them to occur --- name: S4 # Polling .center[
] - So far we used polling when we interacted with the GPIOs, UART, ADC and timer - We executed code continuously in the form of a loop to check the state of a given register bit - With the UART we checked UDRE0, with ADC we checked ADIF and so on - The register bits were checked as part of the normal program execution while halting the execution of the rest of the program - Once the appropriate state was detected, the action was taken and continued with the rest of the program --- name: S5 # Benefits & Drawbacks of Polling - Benefits of polling include - Simple to implement, and does not require any hardware - The processor is always in a known state when executing code, so race conditions and variable states do not have to be managed - Drawbacks of polling include - If multiple peripherals require checking, it must do them in a round-robin fashion adding a delay between each check of a given peripheral - If two peripherals require servicing, they will be done in the order they are checked, which may not be the order of priority - Most of the time, the checking does not result in any work being done, so this processor time has been wasted - It can be very difficult to get the processor to run other code in between polling all of its peripherals --- name: S6 # Interrupts .center[
] - Interrupts were introduced explicitly to handle events - When an event triggers an interrupt, the normal program execution is halted, and a special function is executed - This special function is called the Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) - Once the ISR has completed, the processor returns to the code it was executing before the interrupt occurred --- name: S7 # Benefits & Drawbacks of Interrupts - Benefits of interrupts include - Interrupts can respond to an event almost immediately - The interrupts can be given priorities to make sure the most important events are always responded to quickly - The processor can be performing useful work while waiting for an interrupt to occur - Drawbacks of interrupts include - Extra hardware is required to implement interrupts - The state of the processor is not known when an interrupt occurs - Developing the code is more difficult, as the program must understand and handle any state which can be modified by an interrupt - Memory management becomes more complex --- name: S8 # When to Use Interrupts - Not every event is best handled by an interrupt - Sometimes it is easier to use polling - Sometimes you have sufficient processing resources that the penalty for polling is insignificant - Interrupts should be used when an event has 3 main characteristics - Asynchronous: The event can occur at any time, and there is no way to predict when this will be - Urgent: The event needs to responded to immediately - Infrequent: The event is not occurring continuously - An emergency shutdown event (such as over current) is an example of an event which is a good candidate for using an interrupt - In contrast, if transmitting a few bytes of data over UART after processing some data, then in this example polling may be used --- name: S9 # Interrupts in Your Project .center[
] - We need to measure voltage and current at regular time intervals for our calculations - While taking these measurements we also need to scan and update the display periodically - It will be challenging to do both these tasks if we poll the ADC measurements - We can setup the ADC to auto-trigger on a timer and use ADC conversion complete interrupt - While waiting for an ADC measurement we can update the display using a timer interrupt - You will need to think about interrupt priorities to meet your timing requirements - After the calculation are done we can use polling to transmit data over the UART --- class: title-slide layout: false count: false .logo-title[] # Interrupt Service Routines ### Understanding the Fundamentals --- layout: true name: template_slide .logo-slide[] .footer[[Duleepa J Thrimawithana](, Department of Electrical, Computer and Software Engineering (2020)] --- name: S10 # What is an ISR? - An MCU executes a normal program in and orderly sequence determined by the user - When an interrupt occurs, the normal program execution is halted, and a special function is executed - This function is called the Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) - An ISR can be thought of as a function with no return value, and no input arguments - As always, there are exceptions, but in general this is the case - The only way for an ISR to communicate with the rest of the program is through variables with shared scope - These are global variables with file level or unlimited scope (i.e. static or extern global variables) - Once the ISR has completed, the processor returns to the code it was executing before the interrupt occurred - Each interrupt normally has its own ISR - These ISRs will be executed in the order of their interrupt priority - ISRs are not called as part of the normal program execution --- name: S11 # How to Use an ISR .codes[ ```c //An ISR does not take any arguments, and does not return a result ISR(NAME_vect){ //Do something } void function_1(void){ //Do something } void function_2(void){ //Do something } int main(void){ while (1){ //We can call our functions, but NOT an ISR function_1(); function_2(); } } ``` ] --- name: S12 # ISR Communication - As the ISR cannot be passed arguments or return a result, it can only communicate with the rest of the program by using global variables with file or unlimited scope - As the interrupt can occur at any time, any variables written by the ISR can be modified at any point during regular execution - Normally the compiler does not expect this, so we must use the *volatile* keyword to alert it - The *volatile* keyword prevents the compiler from optimizing the code under the assumption the variable will never change - Failure to use the *volatile* keyword can result in code that crashes or doesn’t work .codes[ ```c volatile uint8_t my_volatile_variable_1; //Global variable with unlimited scope extern volatile uint8_t my_volatile_variable_2; //Global variable with unlimited scope static volatile uint8_t my_volatile_variable_3; //Global variable with file scope int main(void){ //Do something } ``` ] --- name: S13 # ISR Communication Example .codes[ ```c //millisecond_counter is not changed by the main function. Therefore, the compiler might infer that the //millisecond_counter is never updated. In this case, millisecond_counter can never be greater than 1000. //So the code can be removed (optimized out). The volatile keyword tells the compiler that the variable //is updated outside the normal program execution, and prevents the code from being removed. volatile uint16_t millisecond_counter = 0; //This ISR is called by a timer every millisecond ISR(NAME_vect){ millisecond_counter++; } //This program toggles an LED every second int main(void){ TIMER_initialise_for_millisecond_interrupt(); LED_initialise(); while(1){ if (millisecond_counter > 1000) { //Check if 1 second has passed LED_toggle(); //Toggle the LED millisecond_counter = 0; //Reset the counter } } } ``` ] --- name: S14 # ISR Execution (PI) - The microcontroller has special hardware lines which can be set to signal an interrupt has occurred - The address of each ISR is stored at a dedicated location in the program memory (usually it is the first thing) in the form of a table - This table is called the “Interrupt Vector Table” - The position of the interrupt in this table also determines its priority - When an interrupt occurs, the microprocessor completes the current instruction, and stores the address of the next instruction (i.e. the program counter) on the stack - Then the address for the ISR of the interrupt that occurred is loaded by the processor to the program counter, and execution of ISR continues from that point - In ATmega328P global interrupts are disabled to avoid nested interrupts - Upon completing the ISR, the address stored on the stack is loaded back into the program counter, and execution resumes from that address - If other interrupts occurred while executing an ISR, they will be processed in the order of priority after completing the first one --- name: S15 # ISR Execution (PII) .center[
] --- class: title-slide layout: false count: false .logo-title[] # Interrupts on ATmega328P ### Configuring and Using --- layout: true name: template_slide .logo-slide[] .footer[[Duleepa J Thrimawithana](, Department of Electrical, Computer and Software Engineering (2020)] --- name: S16 # ATmega328P Interrupts - The ATmega328P supports multiple interrupt sources and these include - GPIO level changes - UART receive complete, transmit buffer empty - ADC conversion completion - Timer compare match, overflow - The interrupt priority is fixed where lower addresses in interrupt vector table have a higher priority - All interrupt sources have their own interrupt enable bit that needs to be set - The global interrupt enable bit needs to be also set to enable interrupts - It takes a minimum of 4 cycles to execute the ISR address in the interrupt vector table - The microprocessor has to complete the instruction it was executing and store the contents of general purpose registers, program counter, as well as the status register before servicing an interrupt - Global interrupts are automatically disabled when an interrupt occurs and enabled when returning from an ISR --- name: S17 # ATmega328P Interrupt Pins - In the ATmega328P the external interrupt pins INT0 and INT1 are PD2 and PD3 - Any of the pin change interrupts (PCINTx) pins can also be used as interrupt sources - However they have a shared ISR .center[
] --- name: S18 # ATmega328P Interrupts Registers - There is one global interrupt enable bit (I-bit) which enables or disables all interrupts
AVR Status Register
- Interrupts associated with most peripherals are configured and controlled using bits in their own registers - There are usually two bits associated with an interrupt - Setting interrupt enable bit causes an interrupt to be triggered by an interrupt event - The interrupt flag bit is set whenever an interrupt event occurs regardless of whether the interrupt enable bit is set or cleared - The interrupt flag bit is cleared automatically when the ISR for the interrupt is executed - Alternatively it can be cleared by writing 1 to the flag - If an interrupt occurs when executing another ISR, the corresponding interrupt flag will be set so that the new interrupt can be serviced after returning from the current ISR --- name: S19 # Status Register (SREG) .center[
] - I: *Global Interrupt Enable* must be set for interrupts to be enabled - The other bits are used by the processor and can be ignored - They contain information about the most recently executed instruction by the ALU --- name: S20 # The Interrupt Vector Table .center[
] --- name: S21 # Interrupts Associated with Peripherals - From the interrupt vector table we can see that the peripherals we have discussed so far all have interrupts associated with them - USART0 has receive complete, transmit data register empty and transmit complete interrupts - UCSR0B has the interrupt enable bits and UCSR0A has the interrupt flag bits - ADC has a conversion complete interrupt - ADCSRA has both the interrupt enable and flag bits - TC0 has overflow, compare match A and compare match B interrupts - TIMSK0 has the interrupt enable bits and TIFR0 has the interrupt flag bits - There are more which you may wish to make use of - For example, the zero crossing detector that feeds INT0 can generate an interrupt that could be used to enable taking the set of ADC samples needed for the calculations - In this lecture, we will investigate the TC0 compare match A interrupt --- name: S22 # TIMSK0 Registers .center[
] - .color-grey[OCIE0B: *Output Compare Match B Interrupt Enable* executes corresponding interrupt when OCR0B match TCNT0] - OCIE0A: *Output Compare Match A Interrupt Enable* executes corresponding interrupt when OCR0A match TCNT0 - .color-grey[TOIE0: *Overflow Interrupt Enable* executes corresponding interrupt when TCNT0 overflows] --- name: S23 # TIFR0 Registers .center[
] - .color-grey[OCF0B: *Output Compare Match B Flag* is set when OCR0B match TCNT0] - OCF0A: *Output Compare Match A Flag* is set when OCR0A match TCNT0 - .color-grey[TOV0: *Overflow Flag* is set when TCNT0 overflows] --- name: S24 # Clear Timer on Compare Match .center[
] - As we did during the lecture on timers we are going to operate TC0 in CTC mode - In CTC mode, TCNT0 counts up starting from 0, where TCNT0 is incremented by 1 every timer clock cycle - TCNT0 value is compared with OCR0A value we will define and when they match, TCNT0 will be set to 0 (i.e. cleared) and OCF0A flag will be set to 1 - If OCIE0A bit is set a *TIMER0 COMPA* interrupt will be triggered - OCF0A flag will be cleared when executing the *TIMER0 COMPA* interrupt --- name: S25 # Configuring TC0 in CTC Mode - Lets develop an initialization function to configure TC0 to operate in the [CTC mode]( - We want TC0 to generate an interrupt every 1ms - Since the ATmega328P uses a 0.8MHz system clock to achieve this - We will use a prescaler of 8 and load 99 to OCR0A - We also have to enable *TIMER0 COMPA* interrupt by setting the OCIE0A bit - We will also start the timer by setting CS0[2..0] to 010 .codes[ ```c //This function configures TC0 to generate a TIMER0 COMPA interrupt every 1ms void tc0_init_1ms_interrupt(void){ TCCR0A = 0b00000010; //WGM0[2..0] should be set to 010 for CTC mode OCR0A = 99; //Loading OCR0A with 99 to get a period of 1ms TIMSK0 = 0b00000010; //Enable output compare match A interrupt TCCR0B = 0b00000010; //Initialize CS0[2..0] to 010 so that timer runs with a prescaler of 8 } ``` ] --- name: S26 # Writing the ISR - The C language has no specific rules for interrupts - Creating the interrupt vector table and placing it in memory is handled by Atmel Studio - It also provides macros required for interrupts in < avr/interrupt.h > - An ISR can be declared using the name of the source as listed in the interrupt vector table with *_vect* added at the end - In this case we will use *TIMER0_COMPA_vect* - In the ISR we are going to toggle PB0 while also incrementing *millisecond_counter*, which is a global variable .codes[ ```c //An ISR is declared ISR(source_name_vect) where source_name is as per interrupt vector table //TIMER0 COMPA ISR is called when a compare match A occurs ISR(TIMER0_COMPA_vect){ PORTB ^= 1 << PINB0; //Toggle PB0 millisecond_counter++; //Increment the global counter variable } ``` ] --- name: S27 # Completing the Code .codes_dense[ ```c #include
//Needed for using the macros for register addresses #include
//Needed for using the macros for interrupts #include "tc0.h" //Including our TC0 peripheral library static volatile uint16_t millisecond_counter = 0; //Declaring a variable that has a file level scope ISR(TIMER0_COMPA_vect){ //ISR for TIMER0 COMPA executes every 1ms PORTB ^= 1 << PINB0; //Toggle PB0 millisecond_counter++; //Increment the global counter variable } int main(void){ DDRB |= 1 << PINB5 | 1 << PINB0; //Setting PB0 and PB5 as output pins tc0_init_1ms_interrupt(); //Initializing TC0 with a 1ms interrupt sei(); //Enable global interrupts by setting I-bit while (1){ cli(); //Disable global interrupts to ensure correct operation of if statement if(millisecond_counter >= 500){ //Check to see 0.5s has elapsed PORTB ^= 1 << PINB5; //Toggle PB5 millisecond_counter = 0; //Reset counter } sei(); //Enable global interrupts by setting I-bit } } ``` ] --- name: S28 # ISR Rules - ISRs are usually used to ensure the program responds quickly to certain events - The processor can only execute one ISR at a time - Therefore, ensure that your ISR is as short as possible - Do not use delays or long loops - Do not call expensive functions such as functions used to transmit data over UART - You should use the interrupt to handle time critical actions, and then set flags to indicate to the main loop that a task needs to be executed - For example, use the ISR to read data from the UART, and then set a flag to let the main loop know that there is new data available to process - This allows the UART peripheral to receive the next byte --- name: S29 # Interrupt Bugs - While interrupts are powerful, interrupting the execution flow of your program can introduce bugs if you are not careful - We discussed the volatile keyword, which prevents compiler optimizations from introducing bugs - Suppose your interrupt checks a flag to see if a buffer contains some data, and then transmits that data - If the interrupt occurs between the flag getting set and the data being put into the buffer you might transmit data that is not the last thing in the buffer - Similarly, when a multi-byte variable that is modified by an ISR is also used in a function they need to be atomically read/modified - Another issue associated with interrupts is stack overflow - We will discuss about this briefly in the following section of the lecture - You will learn about other problems and how to solve them in future courses - For now, try to keep your interrupt code as simple as possible --- class: title-slide layout: false count: false .logo-title[] # RAM Usage ### Stack, Heap and Data Segment Spaces --- layout: true name: template_slide .logo-slide[] .footer[[Duleepa J Thrimawithana](, Department of Electrical, Computer and Software Engineering (2020)] --- name: S30 # RAM Allocation .left-column[ - Recall that RAM is one of the three core resources a microcontroller has - RAM is split into three sections - The Stack: Used for temporary storage of variables associated with functions and grows as functions are called, and shrinks as functions return - The Heap: Used for storing dynamic variables using malloc and it is set to a fixed size by the programmer - The Data Segment: Used for storage of variables with greater than function scope (static or global), which are allocated at compile time and is set to a fixed size depending on how many of these variables need to be stored ] .right-column[ .center[
] ] --- name: S31 # RAM Considerations - The combined size of the stack, heap, and data segment cannot exceed the size of RAM - Running out of space is called a “stack collision” or “stack overflow” - You need to be aware of this in your program - If you have unexplained crashes/behavior, you may have a stack collision - High stack usage can be attributed to - Many nested function calls (especially recursion) - Allocating large arrays inside functions - High heap usage can be attributed to - Using malloc() to create large dynamic arrays - Not releasing allocated memory using free() - High data usage can be attributed to - Allocating large arrays with static or global scope - Be careful when allocating arrays to store data in your project --- name: S32 # Example: RAM Calculations .questions[ A program has two global arrays of 16-bit integers. Each array can store 100 variables. The size of the RAM is 2kB. Assume a 100 byte heap is present. - What is the total data segment size used by the two arrays? - How much space is left for the stack? ] --- name: S33 # The Stack - The stack is a consecutive block of data which stores - Local variables - Function parameters and return values for each function called - Return addresses for each function/ISR called - Temporary storage of register values - Usually the stack starts at the last RAM address (highest) and grows down .center[
] --- name: S34 # How Does the Stack Operate? - The stack operates as a last-in-first-out (LIFO) buffer - The stack pointer stores the address of the next available location on the stack - The stack pointer is decremented each time data is placed onto the stack (pushed) - The stack pointer is incremented each time data is removed from the stack (popped) .center[
] --- name: S35 # The Push Operation - To add data to the stack it is “pushed” to the stack pointer address, and the stack pointer is then increased .center[
] --- name: S36 # The Pop Operation - To remove data from the stack the stack pointer is decreased, and then data is “popped” out from the stack pointer address .center[
] --- name: S37 # Example: Investigating the Use of RAM .questions[ Simulate the following code in Atmel Studio and comment on how the RAM is used. ] .codes[ ```c #include
volatile uint16_t voltages_mv[20]; //Which part of memory is this stored? volatile uint16_t voltage_rms_mv = 0; //Which part of memory is this stored? uint16_t my_func(uint16_t data_in){ //How is the function input communicated? static uint16_t x; //Which part of memory is this stored? uint16_t y = 600; x = x + data_in + y; return x; } int main(void){ uint16_t a = 2000; uint16_t b = 4000; voltage_rms_mv = b/4; //What happens to the global variable? voltages_mv[0] = a+voltages_mv; //What happens to the global variable? uint16_t c = my_func(5000); //What get pushed when jumping and what get popped when returning? } ``` ] --- name: S38 # Context Switching - While a function is executing (such as during normal program operation) it uses the microprocessor register file - The register file is where variables which are being actively used are stored, such as inputs for arithmetic operations, loop counters etc. - The ATmega328P has 32 registers - The ISR will also use the register file, so before executing an ISR the data in the registers that are used must be pushed to the stack - You need to make sure that there is sufficient space in the stack - In addition, the program counter and the status register also needs to be pushed to the stack - After the ISR completes, these values are loaded back from the stack - This process is called a “context switch” - The compiler automatically adds these instructions to the ISR --- name: S39 # ISR Execution Delay - The time taken to start executing an ISR is limited by how long the context switch takes - This delay time is an important design parameter .center[
] --- class: title-slide layout: false count: false .logo-title[] # Acknowledgments #### These slides are adapted from material prepared by Travis Scott & Muhammad Nadeem